Friday, March 1, 2013

An art studio for a 5 year old? sure, why not?

A little girl following in her Mama's footsteps of Crafting and her 5th birthday. What better present to give her than to create a work and play space for her to further her artistic talents.

I designed and built this "murphy bed" style table and am really happy with how it turned out. Basically it folds down to a good sized table to draw, paint, measure, etc. when in use, but when not in use, it handily folds up and locks to a chalkboard, complete with chalk rest and paper roll beneath it. The legs are made out of a combination of an old closet pole dowel and a round ball stair banister top painted red. The legs being inserted in the closet cups creates a workable, but unstable leg system, I will have to revert to my original design and add very small hinges on each to fold within the table and pop out when needed. It might look funny when done, but it will be a lot safer, especially since the table top is rather heavy. To protect the table top from getting foreseen pen and paint marks, I decided to use clear/transparent contact paper in order to save some money. Plexiglass or acrylic was the other option, but definitely more expensive.

Total cost of the table: $44 ($8 for the long hinge, $10 for the chalkboard slab of wood, $10 for the table top slab of wood, $4 for the lock, $7 for the clear contact paper, $3 for the handle, and $2 for the closet cups) 

The rest was re-purposed (2 by 4 wood, closet pole, stair banister tops.

I also got her a fun magic magnetic wand to pass over the desk or floor if any pins fall. So far, they've mysteriously fallen right out of the pear pin cushion so Elodie 'had' to pick them up. Hmmm..;o)

I had already decided to buy her, her own sewing machine when she started to create things on mine. I found a steal on Craigslist for only $25! (the owner said her daughter used it just once). It is a well known Japanese brand called Janome, with the appropriate icon of Hello Kitty to go with it (one of Elodie's favorites).

One of my old handmade bunnies I used to make and sell on my Etsy shop. This one in particular was made especially for E when she was a baby.

Hand picked by yours truly. It was fun to pick out fabrics for her and I really only needed small amounts like an 1/8th of a yard (which cost less than a dollar each). I took the free recycled fabric bolt cardboards from the fabric store and cut them down to a tiny size. Now it looks like E has her own fabric store.

The cutest little iron made for little girls (Tulip), and the tiniest ironing board (from JoAnn Fabrics about $15.00 w/40% off coupon). 
It's perfect because it very easy to set up, compact and the iron cools down very quickly, and E knows not to use it unless I am supervising.

The desk was something I already had a long time ago. I just added some cute and colorful handles onto the gigantic drawer for easy access. Handles were each on sale for $2.

Ikea Magnetic board and canisters to pin all her ideas and designs on.

Designed by me and handmade re-purposed wood from her too large for now Ikea bed and some limbs from my backyard tree to hold the books in. Thinking of painting them white, but might leave it as is for the natural look and feel. All re-purposed and at no cost.

Got all the paint supplies on clearance. Gotta love that!

This was a large canvas painting that Elodie did (with my guidance of course) when she was only 3 and 1/2 years old.

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